A School Evaluation conducted by Whatever It Takes (WIT) is an external observation and analysis of all available data related to leadership, the planning and delivery of instruction, classroom and school culture, and stakeholder relationships through direct observation, document review and focus group interviews. After the School Evaluation is concluded a detailed written report is provided identifying areas of strength and growth and that is inclusive of recommendations.

 The WIT School Evaluation protocol is developed based on indicators and measurements. Throughout the process the team collects evidence through document and process reviews, interviews and classroom visits, in relation to the indicators to develop findings on how well school programs and practices meet the indicators. The Evaluation Team uses the evidence gathered in identifying professional findings that are provided in a preliminary onsite report and subsequently a more comprehensive feedback report that focuses on key strengths and areas for improvement.


The School Evaluation Categories and Key Indicators

The work of the WIT School Evaluation Team is guided by the categories and their respective key indicators and measures, which were developed in collaboration with schools to provide a customized school evaluation that is based on evidence gathered through observation, interview and document review. The Categories and Indicators identified are as follows:

Category A: Teaching and Learning

Key Indicators:

  1. The curriculum effectively supports student learning
  2. Instruction provides continuous opportunities for student engagement
  3. Assessment is consistently used to inform instruction and improve teaching and learning
  4. The management of classrooms creates an environment conducive of learning

Category B: Leadership

Key Indicators:

  1. The leader provides direction and influence that has a positive impact on the school community
  2. The leader provides oversight that facilitates the delivery of instruction at high levels
  3. The leader orchestrates professional development that maximizes teacher development and student growth
  4. The leader provides oversight that facilitates professional collaboration toward the accomplishment of school goals
  5. The leader provides oversight that ensures compliance with laws, grants and programs

Category C: Professional Learning Community


  1. The school community has a shared understanding of the mission of the school
  2. The school has a safe and orderly learning environment
  3. The school is culturally responsive
  4. Home-School relationships are positive and contributory to the mission of the school
  5. There is consistent community involvement in the school


The School Evaluation Findings

The findings of the WIT School Evaluation Team, guided by the Categories, Indicators and Measures that were developed in collaboration are based on evidence collected during the evaluation process. Evidence of the findings may include documentation, observation and/or focus group interview input.

  1. Assessment is consistently used to inform instruction and improve teaching and learning


  1. Assessments are aligned with the state standards
  2. Assessments are aligned with the school curriculum
  3. Data from a variety of sources is frequently collected and analyzed
  4. Data is available in a timely manner
  5. Data is available in a format conducive of classroom use
  6. Data is used to assess student performance across subjects and grade levels
  7. Data is used to identify performance gaps and make appropriate adjustments
  8. Data is used to develop appropriate outcomes for students with special needs
  9. School and classroom assessments consider the learning styles and abilities of all students
  10. Students receive timely and informative feedback to support learning


FINDING: It is the finding of the WIT School Evaluation Team that data, consistent with state and federal requirements and internal measures, is collected from a variety of sources but is not adequately used to inform and improve instruction and teaching and learning to meet the basic expectations of the School mission and goals.

The absence of an established curriculum contributed to this finding.

The schools administer a variety of assessments including the End of Course Assessment (ECA) required by the state of Indiana, NWEA, Plato and teacher made assessments. Data is collected across subjects and grades with a focus on English and mathematics, the state assessment areas. Assessment data is used in the development of Individual Education Plans (IEP) and Individual Student Plans (ISP). The schools also utilize SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely) plans as a vehicle for analysis and intervention regarding student gap areas.

Plato and teacher made assessment data are collected frequently and teachers and school leaders meet to review IEPs and ISPs and SMART plans that address individual student needs and gaps; however, there is no evidence that data and analysis are consistently used to develop instruction. Classroom observations indicated an absence of differentiation by content, process and product. Instruction that was predominately whole group and discussion based does not address learning styles. Observation of Advisory indicated an absence of academic focus.


  • Develop a comprehensive academic plan that includes specific goals and monitoring timelines, including a common awareness of the development, implementation and adjusting of SMART plans.
  • Provide professional development on the use of data in the planning of instruction
  • Ensure Advisory addresses the goals of the academic plan